Amy Katsikas MSN,ACNS-BC Pure one eleven medical aesthetic
Terri Hancock Utah
Missy Robinson Administrative Manager
Society Of Plastic Surgical Skin Care Specialists
Hannelore Levy founder DSA and Med spa association.
Mimi Stevens Sciton laser representative
Missy Robinson Administrative Manager Society of Plastic Surgery Skin Care Specialists
Publisher of Dermatology Times Amy Ammon Advanstar healthcare
Top left DR Brian Kinney Pres of Thermi Aesthetics Kevin O’Brien Top right DR Waldman Middle left Stacy Hunts Bottom left Marguerite Germain,MD Middle bottom Sue Carroll Bottom right Dr Renato Saltz
Stephanie Choy NYC MedSpa
Dr Neal Schultz President BeautyRx Skincare
Far Right. Jaime Carson New York Aesthician Carson Skin Rejuvenation NYC
Far left NYC Plastic Surgeon Facial Artistry Dr. Konstantantin Vasyukevich Next to him staff member Kathi Cibishino far right Beautiful Forever Consultant
Valentina Hadland RN,New York
Far Right Marda Levy Zeltiq NYC rep Middle Nicole Owner Smooth Synergy Med Spa
Konstantin Vasyukevich, MD Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Monique Iacobacci
Hannelore Levy Founder Medical Spa Association and Day Spa Association
PR Agent Renee Sall Maximum Exposure
Denise Degiulio NYC Facialist
Far Left Smooth Synergy Med Spa owner NYC Nicole Contos Liakeas
State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics April 9-13, 2014
April Atlanta Show President American Med Spa Association
American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Pres
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Meeting April 2014 Kandy Hammond From Ohio Vein Consultant
Jon Klein Director of Marketing Kantian Corporation