White Paper: Thermi Satisfaction Survey
Integrating New, “Game-Changing” Aesthetic Technology Into A Practice Using A Custom Marketing Program
By Cheryl Whitman, CEO
Beautiful Forever Consulting
About Thermi: Thermi is a pioneering firm in the emerging “game-changing” technology that uses thermistor-regulated radio frequency energy systems for use in aesthetic, dermatological and gynecologic applications. Stripping the techno-speak away, this technology focuses on delivering computer-controlled radio frequency technology on an area of skin or tissue.
This RF energy generates a gentle heat that is used to shrink and tighten skin and subdural tissue – it is of use for cosmetic, aesthetic and gynecologic patients who want tissue tightened – dialing back the patient’s apparent age while actually improving functionality.
It’s a game-changer because it replaces all previous technologies – most especially lasers – because it is painless, with no down-time for recovery, and with immediately visible results.
Products addressing different areas of the body include ThermiTight and ThermiSmooth.
Marketing Support: To support early-adopter physicians investing in this technology, Thermi secured the services of an aesthetics marketing consulting practice to develop and implement a “60-Day Jump Start” marketing program, based around an exclusive VIP Event held at the practice to introduce the technology. This program was designed to help physicians successfully introduce this new technology into their practices.
At the center of this 60-day “Jump-Start” is a series of invitation-only VIP events, held at the doctor’s practice. These events – one held during the day for stay-at-home moms and one in the evening for working moms – include presenting the technology to a carefully-selected group of patients who are known to be early adopters.
Hands-on support from an aesthetics marketing consulting firm, Beautiful Forever, is provided to each practice, along with hand-outs, posters and a range of other support materials. This support includes one-on-one support from Beautiful Forever to the practice as it ramps up for the event.
The targeted goal of this marketing program was to generate somewhere between $10,000 and $20,000 in profitable revenue directly tied to the VIP event to be held in the physician’s office.
There is a variable range here, as not all physicians charge the same per procedure – and, of course, the two different kinds of treatments – based on different technology applications – each have their own price points.
This jump start program was developed by consultant and author Cheryl Whitman, based on the recommendations found in her most recent book. As part of the program, each participating physician receives the latest edition of this book, Beautifully Profitable / Forever Profitable, a very practical guide for practice marketing and operations.
Measuring Success
The Survey: Following their initial events, more than 30 physician practices were surveyed to determine their relative success – and relative satisfaction – as well as to solicit new ideas to “improve the breed.”
The six-question survey tool – five specific questions plus an open-ended “what do you think, and what do you recommend” question – were sent out via email to those 30 practices. A remarkable 47 percent responded to the survey.
There is another important point to consider. Most of the doctors scheduled two events on the same day for women on differing schedules. However, the questionnaire addressed just one of the two events. It is reasonable to assume that success rates in terms of bookings and revenues are roughly double those that were reported.
The questions and results were: