Moving Beyond Traditional Marketing
- Posted on: May 23 2016
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Cheryl’s recent article in MedEsthetics Magazine
Moving Beyond Traditional Marketing
By Cheryl Whitman
When practices think of marketing, they typically think of web-based advertising, print ads, in-house signage or open house events. But letters to the editor, opinion editorial articles (op-eds), and letters of endorsement are some of the most meaningful ways to get the word out about your medical practice and expertise, says Cheryl Whitman, founder of Beautiful Forever Consulting.
She recommends submitting letters to the editors of news- papers, websites and journals when they publish relevant articles about your specialty on which you feel you can comment. To increase the odds of publication, be as brief as possible in sharing your point of view and always pay attention to the publication’s target reader demographics.
Op-eds are an excellent way to raise public awareness about new medical concerns and your practice. They also have the potential to educate policy makers. Make sure your op-ed is timely and covers current problems as well as potential solutions.
Letters of endorsement from third parties, including patients and colleagues, may be used in press kits and marketing materi- als. The purpose of a letter of endorsement is for a third party to provide a vision of the benefits they received from your practice’s services or an understanding of your credible skills. The most common are patient testimonials accompanied by before and after photos. But letters of endorsement from well-regarded communi- ty members, including elected public officials, medical professionals and well-known personalities, can also support practice growth.