Online Reputation Management: A Top Priority for Practices

Fifty six percent of consumers say that they are more likely recommend a “brand” after becoming a fan, according to Mind Jumper. Eighty two percent of those who read reviews said that their purchasing decisions have been directly influenced by reviews, according to Deloitte &Touche. Likewise, a poor review can send a prospective patient to a different doctor. After all, who would want to go to a physician with less than a 5 star rating, regardless of how trite the complaint might be that brought the rating down. The time is now to take a vested interest in managing your online reputation.

Domonitor the search results that consumers find when they type your name into Google and Yahoo, particularly. These sites often appear in search results when typing in a physician’s or surgeon’s name; something that prospective patients often do.

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Your social media sites, directory listing pages, and blogs may eventually appear independently under your name, allowing your practice to control more Internet real estate, and potentially bumping negative review sites onto the next pages where consumers are less likely to visit.

Your blogs and social media outlets can serve as positive review portals for your “Fans” when your Fans post positive comments about your page or posts. In your portals, you can choose to approve or disapprove comments. So, you have more control.

Sites like allow for reviews, but this portal is supportive of aesthetic surgery and consumers in this portal appear less likely to post negative comments. This makes a potentially worthwhile investment because review sites are very powerful influencers for consumers on the Internet. So, focus on your social media sites where you’ll most likely have a community of happy patients, too!

Select Directory listings offer profile pages that appear independently on the Internet to allow your practice to control more real estate for its name and your name.

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