As the years continue, Americans who are over-worked do not receive the right amount of sleep each night. With long schedules and not enough hours in the day, it’s no wonder America is finding anyway possible to get a little extra shuteye. Spas catering towards the tired nation are beginning to become a trend. The […]
Opening a medical spa can be a daunting venture. It takes time, attention to even the tiniest details, and a wealth of knowledge concerning every facet of health and wellness, so you can create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere that gives your clients what they pay for. Knowing and understanding the latest and most sought-after […]
Many spas around the country are trying to maximize their profits and minimize their risk. This is particularly true in the arena of medical spas, where clients not only get the great services to make them look beautiful, but also the latest in minimally or non-invasive medical techniques to help them purge toxins, eliminate cellulite, […]