Technology Making Antioxidants in Spa Products Stronger
- Posted on: Apr 30 2013
We all know antioxidants are good for us. They’re good for our bodies when we eat them in food; and when applied to our skin, they help reduce signs of aging. However, it’s not easy to effectively add antioxidants to skin care products so that you’ll get the maximum benefit.
Scientists have discovered that using plant stem cells creates a purer and more consistent antioxidant for use in skin creams. Unlike those derived from plants grown outside, there are no pesticide residues or environmental toxins that could potentially get into the skin cream, and there’s no need to worry about the effects of soil quality or poor growing conditions on the amount of antioxidants in the plants.
Once this exciting new technology becomes commonplace, your skin care products will become more efficient at helping you maintain your youthfulness. Show up for your next facial after using them for a while and your spa consultant will be dying to know what your secret is!
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